As a community-owned utility, TID offers educational resources for parents, teachers, children and community members.
Connecting with, and in, the community is a TID priority. There are many ways to learn about, and be involved with, your community-owned utility.
Salmonids in the Classroom
TID is proud to provide an educational program demonstrating the importance of stewarding the Tuolumne River and its inhabitants.
TID’s Salmonids in the Classroom education program provides students with a hands-on learning experience, raising salmon or trout through the early stages of the life cycle, from eggs to fry, in the classroom before releasing them into the river.
The program, led by TID aquatic biologist, Pat Maloney, has been educating students about the life cycle of salmonids, their habitat, and the Tuolumne River watershed since 2012. Participating classes receive help setting up an aquarium in their classroom, are provided salmon or trout eggs and are taught how to care for the fish. Students are also provided a lesson about the biology of salmonids and the primary functions of our rim dams: flood control, hydroelectric generation, irrigation, recreation, and fishery management. The program concludes with the release of the fry at a local river.
The following include engaging, online resources to support energy and water curriculum. These downloadable activities and educational content can be used to supplement your work in the classroom.
Activity books and online games are great tools to reinforce learning while having fun independently or with the family. Includes downloadable activities and educational content to access at home.