Irrigation Rates

The current Irrigation Rate Schedule, which includes a schedule for both normal and dry years, was adopted by the TID Board of Directors in 2015. Each schedule includes a fixed charge per acre plus water charges. Prior to each irrigation season, the Board will analyze several variables and determine whether to use the normal year or dry year rates.

Normal Year Water Rates

Fixed charge: $60 per acre

Water charges:

Tier 1: $2 per acre-foot, up to 2 acre-feet

Tier 2: $3 per acre-foot, up to 2 acre-feet

Tier 3: $15 per acre-foot, up to 1 acre-foot

Tier 4: $20 per acre-foot, additional available

Dry Year Water Rates

Fixed charge: $68 per acre

Water charges:

Tier 1: $2 per acre-foot, up to 1 acre-feet

Tier 2: $3 per acre-foot, up to 1.5 acre-feet

Tier 3: $15 per acre-foot, up to 1 acre-foot

Tier 4: $20 per acre-foot, additional available

(In a typical dry year, the Board reduces the amount of water available, due to limited supplies.)

Turlock lake building

Irrigation Water Rate Update

TID irrigation customers have not experienced a rate increase since 2015. Given the increased costs to provide reliable irrigation water, increased maintenance of aging infrastructure, and the increased customer demands on our system, it is necessary for TID to take a hard look at the changing cost of providing reliable irrigation water.