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Is TID considering the use of Public Safety Power Shutoffs?

November 30, 2023

Fortunately, the large majority of the TID service area is not at risk of wildfire, nor does it present the combination of criteria that may necessitate the use of PSPS.

Even the District operations in the eastern- and western-most points of our service territory that are in High Fire Threat areas, are not anticipated to require the use of PSPS.  However, some TID customers in the West Side Fire Zone are provided power across PG&E-owned power lines.  Should PG&E decide to shutoff power to these lines, and we anticipate they will, due to the greater risk in this area, it is likely TID customers in that area will lose power.

All customers in high fire threat areas, and throughout the District, should be prepared for the possibility of extended outages of any kind.