Scam Alert: Always be wary of pushy callers demanding payment, especially if they are threatening disconnection. When in doubt, hang up and call TID at 209.883.8222.

News & Media

How and when will I be notified if a shutoff is necessary?

November 30, 2023

When possible, PG&E will provide PSPS notices 48 hours in advance, 24 hours in advance, just before the power is turned off, during the PSPS, and once power is restored.

Whenever possible, TID will provide potentially impacted customers with notice, following a similar schedule, before shutting power off, using all available channels to reach customers and other stakeholders with outage information. The sudden onset of conditions could impact TID’s ability to provide advance notice to customers. If conditions allow, we’ll communicate with customers in the following ways:

  • Phone calls to customers in potentially impacted areas/neighborhoods advising when the outage is scheduled and directing them to for additional information.
  • Our website, will be updated with information on ongoing outages.
  • Ongoing mass media and social media outreach will be provided throughout the shutoff to give customers and the community the latest information about the rotating outages.

Key Account customers will be contacted directly by their TID representative.