Scam Alert: Always be wary of pushy callers demanding payment, especially if they are threatening disconnection. When in doubt, hang up and call TID at 209.883.8222.

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Does TID offer payment plans?

November 27, 2023

TID strives to help all customers facing challenges managing their energy costs, with a number of assistance programs to make bill payment and budgeting easier. Customers can contact Customer Service at (209) 883-8222 or visit to inquire about these programs and possible payment arrangements.

TID has programs available to assist customers in paying their electric bills.

  • TID CARES – Qualifying households receive an $11 discount on the customer charge along with a 15 percent cost reduction for the first 800 kWh.
  • Medical Assistance Program – Discounts are offered to eligible customers with life support equipment in their homes or medical conditions requiring special heating or air conditioning temperatures. The discount reduces the amount you pay for the first 500 kWh of electricity used in your home each month by 50 percent.
  • Weatherization Program – Income-qualified customers can participate in our Weatherization Program at no cost. The Weatherization Program can reduce energy bills by making your home more energy efficient and lowering the amount of your TID bill while helping you keep warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
  • Budget Billing – This program simply divides the annual electric bill of participating customers into equal monthly payments, eliminating the highs and lows that come with hot and cold months.  TID recalculates your monthly amount due each year in March and September, helping you stay on budget.
  • LIHEAP Energy Assistance – The LIHEAP assistance program is a federally funded program that helps those in both struggling and lower-income households pay their home energy bills. The program assists lower-income families and households meet their immediate home energy needs.