Scam Alert: Always be wary of pushy callers demanding payment, especially if they are threatening disconnection. When in doubt, hang up and call TID at 209.883.8222.

Rebates and Savings

With rebates, energy-saving tips, and more, TID is the smart energy partner for your home or business.

Woman setting a smart plug at home using her smartphone

For Home

Save money on energy-efficient appliances and improvements for your home.

Flowers for sale in a special cold room with air conditioning.

For Business

Save energy and money on energy-efficient improvements for your business.

Woman adjusting her smart thermostat

Energy Saving Tips

Discover easy energy-saving tips for around your home or business.

Weatherization Program

The Weatherization Program is available to TID CARES customers at no cost and can reduce energy bills by making your home more energy efficient and lowering the amount of your TID bill while helping you keep warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.