Customer Satisfaction Survey

As a community-owned utility, you are an owner of TID, and we are constantly seeking ways to improve services for customers, like you. One way we do this is through a digital survey to collect your feedback on what we are doing well and what can be improved.

The 2024 Customer Satisfaction Survey has closed. Please check back later for results.

Your honest responses and opinions are completely confidential and will only be presented as part of an overall combined report. TID has partnered with GreatBlue Research, Inc., a third-party data agency, to conduct the survey. No information provided through the survey will reveal the identity of a respondent. 

If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact GreatBlue Research at or at 860.740.4000. 

Thank you in advance for participating and helping Turlock Irrigation District improve the ways in which we serve our customers and the community.